Coeducation vs single sex schooling

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Melbourne Grammar School offers coeducational learning from Prep to Year 6 and single-sex education for boys from Years 7 to 12. We believe this approach offers a supportive environment appropriate to individual development needs.

Primary coeducation builds empathy

In early primary, students recognise very little difference between genders. Children are likely to build cross-gender friendships and happily play in mixed gender groups.

In Years 3 and 4, students begin to understand they can influence the world around them. Their growing empathy assists them to adapt their behaviour to new interpersonal situations. Gender identity continues to form and is best explored when girls and boys learn together.

In Years 4 to 6, students are more aware of the differences between genders. This is an ideal opportunity for girls and boys to consolidate their sense of self and empathy for those around them.

Benefits of single-sex secondary education for boys

We offer single-sex secondary education to allow boys to learn in an environment specifically attuned to their needs.

Alongside physical changes, probably the most significant issue for adolescents is the addition of gender identity to their sense of self. Single-sex education offers the opportunity to participate in a wider range of roles without facing gender stereotyping. Music, drama, debating and other areas flourish in boys’ schools without the pressure of competition or need for peer approval between genders.

We know that school is only part of their life and that there will be many other situations in which boys will work and learn with girls in social, sporting and other settings.

Choices to reflect individual needs

Neither coeducation nor single-sex education is necessarily better. Children have definite developmental needs and many follow similar trajectories. All must be treated as individuals. However we believe that the structure we offer best suits many young people