Royce Helm
Last updated: April 2018
I look forward to coming to work every day because I truly enjoy seeing the children and being part of their journey. I hold the belief that if teachers can make a connection with children on this journey through primary school, we have the opportunity to help them become well adjusted, competent citizens of Australia.
I love teaching, and even though I don’t teach in a classroom, I am passionate about the opportunity to work as part of a teaching team. Essentially, now, my students are the teachers themselves. In a way I see my position as the foundation of an inverted hierarchy: I sit at the base supporting the teachers to do the best for their students, who are at the top.
I want Grimwade House to be a place where people feel welcome and included – a place where people are highly passionate about what they do for everyone who walks through the gate, including our parents and teachers. Supporting teachers and students to be the best they can be is part of this, but so is making sure parents want to be involved with what we do here.
Moving ahead five years, I see Grimwade House becoming a place that offers a balance between heritage, innovation and creativity. We will have gone on a journey towards focusing on individuals, on pastoral care and on the skills and expertise of our staff. We already have enviable facilities and resources, engaged parents and children who arrive in Prep with academic skills. I expect to see even higher levels academic achievement in future, along with even stronger engagement throughout the entire School community.
Royce Helm became Head of Grimwade House in 2016. Before coming to Grimwade he spent 13 years as Headmaster of Southwell School in Hamilton, New Zealand. This followed roles as Headmaster of St George’s School in Wanganui and as Deputy Headmaster and Head of Middle School at St Kentigern School, Auckland.